The Ant64 reconfigurable retro computer

By using a MilkV Duo 256M (a dual core XuanTie C906 64-bit RISC-V), two RP2350B picos, an ESP-C5-WROOM-1, a GoWin GW5A FPGA, we could have a great “instant” boot computer – than can also simulate the Amiga, Atari STE, C64, Vic20, Spectrum (possibly Spectrum Next), NES, SNES and a number of popular 80s and 90s arcade machines using a "best of both" combination of software (multiple specialist CPUs) and hardware (FPGA).

The aim is to have a built-in machine language monitor/debugger and also two built-in languages, Action (similar to 8-bit Action/Agol/PureBasic) and Basic (similar to Microsoft, BBC, Atari and Colour computer Basic).

Important: The Ant32 and Ant64 are both still at early design and prototype stage, everything you see here is subject to change.